The Various Sources of Mortgage Funds

When you think about who actually funds mortgages (ok, I’ll admit it’s not a question a lot of people ponder for more than a couple of minutes), you may be surprised to find that mortgages are actually funded by a variety of sources – from banks (the obvious one) to credit unions and mortgage loan… Continue reading The Various Sources of Mortgage Funds

Four Questions to Ask Before Listing Your Home

For most of us, our home is the single most valuable asset that we will ever have. When it comes time to sell, YOU are the only one who is going to lose if you leave the process to anyone but a true professional. The following are four valuable questions you can ask a real… Continue reading Four Questions to Ask Before Listing Your Home

How to take title

When you buy a home with someone else, among all of the other decisions, you will need to decide how you want to own the property: jointly, or in common. Buying as joint tenants means that you both own the entire property. You are each responsible for everything, and each have the rights that go… Continue reading How to take title

Categorized as Law Day

Preparing for cooler weather

Luckily we’ve had a glorious summer here in Barrie! Great heat, nice breezes, and a bit of rain to keep everything alive. Although the summer’s not over yet – believe me, I’m trying to delay the inevitable, too – it’s time to start thinking about getting your home ready for winter. There are a few… Continue reading Preparing for cooler weather

Mortgage Monday Myths: You Need a Down Payment

If you know me well, you know that I get a kick out of alliterations (especially when it comes to titles and categories like “Mortgage Monday“) – how could I resist a triple-alliteration with “Mortgage Monday Myths” right?   The world of mortgage is filled with mis-information, mis-conceptions and myths (more alliteration – woohoo! ;)),… Continue reading Mortgage Monday Myths: You Need a Down Payment