Article: Pay Your Mortgage Like It’s 2007 – You’ll Save a Pile of Money

There’s a fantastic article in the Globe and Mail today by Robert McLister about how much money Canadians could save in the long run if we were paying our mortgages as if interest rates were what they were 5 years ago.  Today’s rates could save $101,700 if projected out over 25 years on a $200,000… Continue reading Article: Pay Your Mortgage Like It’s 2007 – You’ll Save a Pile of Money

Leasing to own

In the Barrie area, we have several adult communities; most notable are Hoe Doe Valley, Big Cedar Estates and Sandy Cove Acres. All of these communities are comprised of communal areas and, generally, mobile (or otherwise movable) homes. Sometimes, the land is owned; sometimes, there is a lease over the land for many years. In… Continue reading Leasing to own

Categorized as Law Day

10 Things to Consider Before Your Mortgage Renews

Article courtesy of Genworth Canada.   Have you explored all your options?  Once you receive your mortgage renewal statement, there’s nothing easier than simply signing on for another term. But while this may make sense in many cases, your family or financial situation may have changed over time. Mortgage brokers can look for opportunities that could… Continue reading 10 Things to Consider Before Your Mortgage Renews